If you are using chemicals, you will have Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available.
The details of some of the information in the SDS, like the hazard classifications of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS), can provide a lot of helpful information for assessing chemicals hazards and our chemical safety practices.
This free webinar will review the GHS system hazard classifications.
The GHS system has very defined hazard classifications, and understanding the details of these classifications is important for assessing potential hazards.
The SDS also includes information on chemical and physical properties like vapor pressure, vapor density, solubility, pH, and flash point. These properties and how you can use them for your chemical safety program will also be reviewed.
Event type: Live Webinar Cost: Free
Date: April 4, 2024 Time: 2:00 PM ET
Event Host: OH&S Duration: 1 hour