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Florida Packing Plant's Workers Accused of Workers Comp Fraud
The vast majority of workers at a Naples, Florida, produce packing plant are accused in a scheme to commit workers compensation fraud,...
Jul 22, 2014

In a Defeat For Non-English Speakers, Court Bars Entitlement to Spanish-Speaking Shrinks in Workers-
In what could be a first-of-its-kind decision in Florida, an appeals court ruled Tuesday that a man suffering from head injuries was not...
Jun 3, 2014

Costly claims drive up city of St. Pete workers' comp tab for 2015
City Council members got some unwelcome news about a particular part of the budget recently as Mayor Rick Kriseman outlined his spending...
May 17, 2014

'Oklahoma Option' Redefines State's Workers' Comp
What’s the first thing to pop into your mind when thinking about Oklahoma? Is it the musical? Could it be that its pan shape? The one...
Apr 30, 2014

Former Miami-Dade Fire Inspector Charged with Filing False Insurance Report
A former Miami-Dade County fire inspector was charged Friday with lying to the state when he said he did not make money while collecting...
Apr 11, 2014

Climate Change Needed in Florida Workers’ Compensation
We need climate change in the State of Florida. Big time! What kind of climate change you may ask? Well, I ask you this: when you...
Apr 2, 2014

Florida Manufacturer Cited for Willful Violations Following Fatality
In August 2013, a 32-year-old machine helper entered a large wire mesh manufacturing machine to retrieve a fallen metal bar, and he was...
Feb 13, 2014

The Roof Authority of Fort Pierce, Fla. Cited
The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited The Roof Authority Inc. of Fort Pierce for one...
Jan 28, 2014

Teen Challenge of Florida Cited for 25 Safety and Health Violations; more than $228,000 in Fines
Teen Challenge of Florida Inc., an international rehabilitation program, has been cited by the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational...
Jan 24, 2014

Liberty Mutual Selling Workers’ Comp Unit Summit Southeast to American Financial
Liberty Mutual Insurance said it has agreed to sell Summit Holdings Southeast Inc. and its related companies to American Financial Group...
Jan 9, 2014

Public-Safety Employee Facing Charges of Workers’ Comp Fraud
Palm Beach firefighter/paramedic Jeremy DeRosa was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail on Dec. 12, charged with one count of workers’...
Dec 24, 2013

Temporary Work, Lasting Harm
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – This was it, he told his brother Jojo. He would finally be able to pay his mother back for the fender bender, buy...
Dec 18, 2013
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